Class TdApi.UserFullInfo

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.UserFullInfo extends TdApi.Object
Contains full information about a user.
  • Field Details

    • personalPhoto

      public TdApi.ChatPhoto personalPhoto
      User profile photo set by the current user for the contact; may be null. If null and user.profilePhoto is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown. If non-null, then it is the same photo as in user.profilePhoto and This photo isn't returned in the list of user photos.
    • photo

      public TdApi.ChatPhoto photo
      User profile photo; may be null. If null and user.profilePhoto is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown. If non-null and personalPhoto is null, then it is the same photo as in user.profilePhoto and
    • publicPhoto

      public TdApi.ChatPhoto publicPhoto
      User profile photo visible if the main photo is hidden by privacy settings; may be null. If null and user.profilePhoto is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown. If non-null and both photo and personalPhoto are null, then it is the same photo as in user.profilePhoto and This photo isn't returned in the list of user photos.
    • blockList

      public TdApi.BlockList blockList
      Block list to which the user is added; may be null if none.
    • canBeCalled

      public boolean canBeCalled
      True, if the user can be called.
    • supportsVideoCalls

      public boolean supportsVideoCalls
      True, if a video call can be created with the user.
    • hasPrivateCalls

      public boolean hasPrivateCalls
      True, if the user can't be called due to their privacy settings.
    • hasPrivateForwards

      public boolean hasPrivateForwards
      True, if the user can't be linked in forwarded messages due to their privacy settings.
    • hasRestrictedVoiceAndVideoNoteMessages

      public boolean hasRestrictedVoiceAndVideoNoteMessages
      True, if voice and video notes can't be sent or forwarded to the user.
    • hasPostedToProfileStories

      public boolean hasPostedToProfileStories
      True, if the user has posted to profile stories.
    • hasSponsoredMessagesEnabled

      public boolean hasSponsoredMessagesEnabled
      True, if the user always enabled sponsored messages; known only for the current user.
    • needPhoneNumberPrivacyException

      public boolean needPhoneNumberPrivacyException
      True, if the current user needs to explicitly allow to share their phone number with the user when the method addContact is used.
    • setChatBackground

      public boolean setChatBackground
      True, if the user set chat background for both chat users and it wasn't reverted yet.
    • bio

      public TdApi.FormattedText bio
      A short user bio; may be null for bots.
    • birthdate

      public TdApi.Birthdate birthdate
      Birthdate of the user; may be null if unknown.
    • personalChatId

      public long personalChatId
      Identifier of the personal chat of the user; 0 if none.
    • premiumGiftOptions

      public TdApi.PremiumPaymentOption[] premiumGiftOptions
      The list of available options for gifting Telegram Premium to the user.
    • groupInCommonCount

      public int groupInCommonCount
      Number of group chats where both the other user and the current user are a member; 0 for the current user.
    • businessInfo

      public TdApi.BusinessInfo businessInfo
      Information about business settings for Telegram Business accounts; may be null if none.
    • botInfo

      public TdApi.BotInfo botInfo
      For bots, information about the bot; may be null if the user isn't a bot.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UserFullInfo

      public UserFullInfo()
      Contains full information about a user.
    • UserFullInfo

      public UserFullInfo(TdApi.ChatPhoto personalPhoto, TdApi.ChatPhoto photo, TdApi.ChatPhoto publicPhoto, TdApi.BlockList blockList, boolean canBeCalled, boolean supportsVideoCalls, boolean hasPrivateCalls, boolean hasPrivateForwards, boolean hasRestrictedVoiceAndVideoNoteMessages, boolean hasPostedToProfileStories, boolean hasSponsoredMessagesEnabled, boolean needPhoneNumberPrivacyException, boolean setChatBackground, TdApi.FormattedText bio, TdApi.Birthdate birthdate, long personalChatId, TdApi.PremiumPaymentOption[] premiumGiftOptions, int groupInCommonCount, TdApi.BusinessInfo businessInfo, TdApi.BotInfo botInfo)
      Contains full information about a user.
      personalPhoto - User profile photo set by the current user for the contact; may be null. If null and user.profilePhoto is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown. If non-null, then it is the same photo as in user.profilePhoto and This photo isn't returned in the list of user photos.
      photo - User profile photo; may be null. If null and user.profilePhoto is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown. If non-null and personalPhoto is null, then it is the same photo as in user.profilePhoto and
      publicPhoto - User profile photo visible if the main photo is hidden by privacy settings; may be null. If null and user.profilePhoto is null, then the photo is empty; otherwise, it is unknown. If non-null and both photo and personalPhoto are null, then it is the same photo as in user.profilePhoto and This photo isn't returned in the list of user photos.
      blockList - Block list to which the user is added; may be null if none.
      canBeCalled - True, if the user can be called.
      supportsVideoCalls - True, if a video call can be created with the user.
      hasPrivateCalls - True, if the user can't be called due to their privacy settings.
      hasPrivateForwards - True, if the user can't be linked in forwarded messages due to their privacy settings.
      hasRestrictedVoiceAndVideoNoteMessages - True, if voice and video notes can't be sent or forwarded to the user.
      hasPostedToProfileStories - True, if the user has posted to profile stories.
      hasSponsoredMessagesEnabled - True, if the user always enabled sponsored messages; known only for the current user.
      needPhoneNumberPrivacyException - True, if the current user needs to explicitly allow to share their phone number with the user when the method addContact is used.
      setChatBackground - True, if the user set chat background for both chat users and it wasn't reverted yet.
      bio - A short user bio; may be null for bots.
      birthdate - Birthdate of the user; may be null if unknown.
      personalChatId - Identifier of the personal chat of the user; 0 if none.
      premiumGiftOptions - The list of available options for gifting Telegram Premium to the user.
      groupInCommonCount - Number of group chats where both the other user and the current user are a member; 0 for the current user.
      businessInfo - Information about business settings for Telegram Business accounts; may be null if none.
      botInfo - For bots, information about the bot; may be null if the user isn't a bot.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object