Class TdApi.ChatPhoto

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChatPhoto extends TdApi.Object
Describes a chat or user profile photo.
  • Field Details

    • id

      public long id
      Unique photo identifier.
    • addedDate

      public int addedDate
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the photo has been added.
    • minithumbnail

      public TdApi.Minithumbnail minithumbnail
      Photo minithumbnail; may be null.
    • sizes

      public TdApi.PhotoSize[] sizes
      Available variants of the photo in JPEG format, in different size.
    • animation

      public TdApi.AnimatedChatPhoto animation
      A big (up to 1280x1280) animated variant of the photo in MPEG4 format; may be null.
    • smallAnimation

      public TdApi.AnimatedChatPhoto smallAnimation
      A small (160x160) animated variant of the photo in MPEG4 format; may be null even the big animation is available.
    • sticker

      public TdApi.ChatPhotoSticker sticker
      Sticker-based version of the chat photo; may be null.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatPhoto

      public ChatPhoto()
      Describes a chat or user profile photo.
    • ChatPhoto

      public ChatPhoto(long id, int addedDate, TdApi.Minithumbnail minithumbnail, TdApi.PhotoSize[] sizes, TdApi.AnimatedChatPhoto animation, TdApi.AnimatedChatPhoto smallAnimation, TdApi.ChatPhotoSticker sticker)
      Describes a chat or user profile photo.
      id - Unique photo identifier.
      addedDate - Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the photo has been added.
      minithumbnail - Photo minithumbnail; may be null.
      sizes - Available variants of the photo in JPEG format, in different size.
      animation - A big (up to 1280x1280) animated variant of the photo in MPEG4 format; may be null.
      smallAnimation - A small (160x160) animated variant of the photo in MPEG4 format; may be null even the big animation is available.
      sticker - Sticker-based version of the chat photo; may be null.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object