Class TdApi.UpdateUnreadChatCount

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.UpdateUnreadChatCount extends TdApi.Update
Number of unread chats, i.e. with unread messages or marked as unread, has changed. This update is sent only if the message database is used.
  • Field Details

    • chatList

      public TdApi.ChatList chatList
      The chat list with changed number of unread messages.
    • totalCount

      public int totalCount
      Approximate total number of chats in the chat list.
    • unreadCount

      public int unreadCount
      Total number of unread chats.
    • unreadUnmutedCount

      public int unreadUnmutedCount
      Total number of unread unmuted chats.
    • markedAsUnreadCount

      public int markedAsUnreadCount
      Total number of chats marked as unread.
    • markedAsUnreadUnmutedCount

      public int markedAsUnreadUnmutedCount
      Total number of unmuted chats marked as unread.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UpdateUnreadChatCount

      public UpdateUnreadChatCount()
      Number of unread chats, i.e. with unread messages or marked as unread, has changed. This update is sent only if the message database is used.
    • UpdateUnreadChatCount

      public UpdateUnreadChatCount(TdApi.ChatList chatList, int totalCount, int unreadCount, int unreadUnmutedCount, int markedAsUnreadCount, int markedAsUnreadUnmutedCount)
      Number of unread chats, i.e. with unread messages or marked as unread, has changed. This update is sent only if the message database is used.
      chatList - The chat list with changed number of unread messages.
      totalCount - Approximate total number of chats in the chat list.
      unreadCount - Total number of unread chats.
      unreadUnmutedCount - Total number of unread unmuted chats.
      markedAsUnreadCount - Total number of chats marked as unread.
      markedAsUnreadUnmutedCount - Total number of unmuted chats marked as unread.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object