Class TdApi.ThemeParameters

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ThemeParameters extends TdApi.Object
Contains parameters of the application theme.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    An accent color of the text in the RGB24 format.
    A color of the background in the RGB24 format.
    A color of the buttons in the RGB24 format.
    A color of text on the buttons in the RGB24 format.
    static final int
    Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
    A color of the text for destructive actions in the RGB24 format.
    A color of the header background in the RGB24 format.
    A color of hints in the RGB24 format.
    A color of links in the RGB24 format.
    A secondary color for the background in the RGB24 format.
    A color of the section background in the RGB24 format.
    A color of text on the section headers in the RGB24 format.
    A color of the section separator in the RGB24 format.
    A color of the subtitle text in the RGB24 format.
    A color of text in the RGB24 format.
  • Constructor Summary

    Contains parameters of the application theme.
    ThemeParameters(int backgroundColor, int secondaryBackgroundColor, int headerBackgroundColor, int sectionBackgroundColor, int sectionSeparatorColor, int textColor, int accentTextColor, int sectionHeaderTextColor, int subtitleTextColor, int destructiveTextColor, int hintColor, int linkColor, int buttonColor, int buttonTextColor)
    Contains parameters of the application theme.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.

    Methods inherited from class dev.voroby.springframework.telegram.client.TdApi.Object


    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • backgroundColor

      public int backgroundColor
      A color of the background in the RGB24 format.
    • secondaryBackgroundColor

      public int secondaryBackgroundColor
      A secondary color for the background in the RGB24 format.
    • headerBackgroundColor

      public int headerBackgroundColor
      A color of the header background in the RGB24 format.
    • sectionBackgroundColor

      public int sectionBackgroundColor
      A color of the section background in the RGB24 format.
    • sectionSeparatorColor

      public int sectionSeparatorColor
      A color of the section separator in the RGB24 format.
    • textColor

      public int textColor
      A color of text in the RGB24 format.
    • accentTextColor

      public int accentTextColor
      An accent color of the text in the RGB24 format.
    • sectionHeaderTextColor

      public int sectionHeaderTextColor
      A color of text on the section headers in the RGB24 format.
    • subtitleTextColor

      public int subtitleTextColor
      A color of the subtitle text in the RGB24 format.
    • destructiveTextColor

      public int destructiveTextColor
      A color of the text for destructive actions in the RGB24 format.
    • hintColor

      public int hintColor
      A color of hints in the RGB24 format.
    • linkColor

      public int linkColor
      A color of links in the RGB24 format.
    • buttonColor

      public int buttonColor
      A color of the buttons in the RGB24 format.
    • buttonTextColor

      public int buttonTextColor
      A color of text on the buttons in the RGB24 format.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ThemeParameters

      public ThemeParameters()
      Contains parameters of the application theme.
    • ThemeParameters

      public ThemeParameters(int backgroundColor, int secondaryBackgroundColor, int headerBackgroundColor, int sectionBackgroundColor, int sectionSeparatorColor, int textColor, int accentTextColor, int sectionHeaderTextColor, int subtitleTextColor, int destructiveTextColor, int hintColor, int linkColor, int buttonColor, int buttonTextColor)
      Contains parameters of the application theme.
      backgroundColor - A color of the background in the RGB24 format.
      secondaryBackgroundColor - A secondary color for the background in the RGB24 format.
      headerBackgroundColor - A color of the header background in the RGB24 format.
      sectionBackgroundColor - A color of the section background in the RGB24 format.
      sectionSeparatorColor - A color of the section separator in the RGB24 format.
      textColor - A color of text in the RGB24 format.
      accentTextColor - An accent color of the text in the RGB24 format.
      sectionHeaderTextColor - A color of text on the section headers in the RGB24 format.
      subtitleTextColor - A color of the subtitle text in the RGB24 format.
      destructiveTextColor - A color of the text for destructive actions in the RGB24 format.
      hintColor - A color of hints in the RGB24 format.
      linkColor - A color of links in the RGB24 format.
      buttonColor - A color of the buttons in the RGB24 format.
      buttonTextColor - A color of text on the buttons in the RGB24 format.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object