Class TdApi.TelegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiveaway

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.TelegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiveaway extends TdApi.TelegramPaymentPurpose
The user creating a Telegram Premium giveaway.
  • Field Details

    • parameters

      Giveaway parameters.
    • currency

      public String currency
      ISO 4217 currency code of the payment currency.
    • amount

      public long amount
      Paid amount, in the smallest units of the currency.
    • winnerCount

      public int winnerCount
      Number of users which will be able to activate the gift codes.
    • monthCount

      public int monthCount
      Number of months the Telegram Premium subscription will be active for the users.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TelegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiveaway

      public TelegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiveaway()
      The user creating a Telegram Premium giveaway.
    • TelegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiveaway

      public TelegramPaymentPurposePremiumGiveaway(TdApi.PremiumGiveawayParameters parameters, String currency, long amount, int winnerCount, int monthCount)
      The user creating a Telegram Premium giveaway.
      parameters - Giveaway parameters.
      currency - ISO 4217 currency code of the payment currency.
      amount - Paid amount, in the smallest units of the currency.
      winnerCount - Number of users which will be able to activate the gift codes.
      monthCount - Number of months the Telegram Premium subscription will be active for the users.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object