Class TdApi.StoryVideo

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.StoryVideo extends TdApi.Object
Describes a video file sent in a story.
  • Field Details

    • duration

      public double duration
      Duration of the video, in seconds.
    • width

      public int width
      Video width.
    • height

      public int height
      Video height.
    • hasStickers

      public boolean hasStickers
      True, if stickers were added to the video. The list of corresponding sticker sets can be received using getAttachedStickerSets.
    • isAnimation

      public boolean isAnimation
      True, if the video has no sound.
    • minithumbnail

      public TdApi.Minithumbnail minithumbnail
      Video minithumbnail; may be null.
    • thumbnail

      public TdApi.Thumbnail thumbnail
      Video thumbnail in JPEG or MPEG4 format; may be null.
    • preloadPrefixSize

      public int preloadPrefixSize
      Size of file prefix, which is supposed to be preloaded, in bytes.
    • coverFrameTimestamp

      public double coverFrameTimestamp
      Timestamp of the frame used as video thumbnail.
    • video

      public TdApi.File video
      File containing the video.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • StoryVideo

      public StoryVideo()
      Describes a video file sent in a story.
    • StoryVideo

      public StoryVideo(double duration, int width, int height, boolean hasStickers, boolean isAnimation, TdApi.Minithumbnail minithumbnail, TdApi.Thumbnail thumbnail, int preloadPrefixSize, double coverFrameTimestamp, TdApi.File video)
      Describes a video file sent in a story.
      duration - Duration of the video, in seconds.
      width - Video width.
      height - Video height.
      hasStickers - True, if stickers were added to the video. The list of corresponding sticker sets can be received using getAttachedStickerSets.
      isAnimation - True, if the video has no sound.
      minithumbnail - Video minithumbnail; may be null.
      thumbnail - Video thumbnail in JPEG or MPEG4 format; may be null.
      preloadPrefixSize - Size of file prefix, which is supposed to be preloaded, in bytes.
      coverFrameTimestamp - Timestamp of the frame used as video thumbnail.
      video - File containing the video.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object