Class TdApi.Session

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.Session extends TdApi.Object
Contains information about one session in a Telegram application used by the current user. Sessions must be shown to the user in the returned order.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Telegram API identifier, as provided by the application.
    Name of the application, as provided by the application.
    The version of the application, as provided by the application.
    True, if incoming calls can be accepted by the session.
    True, if incoming secret chats can be accepted by the session.
    static final int
    Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
    Model of the device the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
    Session identifier.
    IP address from which the session was created, in human-readable format.
    True, if this session is the current session.
    True, if the application is an official application or uses the apiId of an official application.
    True, if a 2-step verification password is needed to complete authorization of the session.
    True, if the session wasn't confirmed from another session.
    Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the session was last used.
    A human-readable description of the location from which the session was created, based on the IP address.
    Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user has logged in.
    Operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
    Version of the operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
    Session type based on the system and application version, which can be used to display a corresponding icon.
  • Constructor Summary

    Contains information about one session in a Telegram application used by the current user.
    Session(long id, boolean isCurrent, boolean isPasswordPending, boolean isUnconfirmed, boolean canAcceptSecretChats, boolean canAcceptCalls, TdApi.SessionType type, int apiId, String applicationName, String applicationVersion, boolean isOfficialApplication, String deviceModel, String platform, String systemVersion, int logInDate, int lastActiveDate, String ipAddress, String location)
    Contains information about one session in a Telegram application used by the current user.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.

    Methods inherited from class dev.voroby.springframework.telegram.client.TdApi.Object


    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • id

      public long id
      Session identifier.
    • isCurrent

      public boolean isCurrent
      True, if this session is the current session.
    • isPasswordPending

      public boolean isPasswordPending
      True, if a 2-step verification password is needed to complete authorization of the session.
    • isUnconfirmed

      public boolean isUnconfirmed
      True, if the session wasn't confirmed from another session.
    • canAcceptSecretChats

      public boolean canAcceptSecretChats
      True, if incoming secret chats can be accepted by the session.
    • canAcceptCalls

      public boolean canAcceptCalls
      True, if incoming calls can be accepted by the session.
    • type

      public TdApi.SessionType type
      Session type based on the system and application version, which can be used to display a corresponding icon.
    • apiId

      public int apiId
      Telegram API identifier, as provided by the application.
    • applicationName

      public String applicationName
      Name of the application, as provided by the application.
    • applicationVersion

      public String applicationVersion
      The version of the application, as provided by the application.
    • isOfficialApplication

      public boolean isOfficialApplication
      True, if the application is an official application or uses the apiId of an official application.
    • deviceModel

      public String deviceModel
      Model of the device the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
    • platform

      public String platform
      Operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
    • systemVersion

      public String systemVersion
      Version of the operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
    • logInDate

      public int logInDate
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user has logged in.
    • lastActiveDate

      public int lastActiveDate
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the session was last used.
    • ipAddress

      public String ipAddress
      IP address from which the session was created, in human-readable format.
    • location

      public String location
      A human-readable description of the location from which the session was created, based on the IP address.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Session

      public Session()
      Contains information about one session in a Telegram application used by the current user. Sessions must be shown to the user in the returned order.
    • Session

      public Session(long id, boolean isCurrent, boolean isPasswordPending, boolean isUnconfirmed, boolean canAcceptSecretChats, boolean canAcceptCalls, TdApi.SessionType type, int apiId, String applicationName, String applicationVersion, boolean isOfficialApplication, String deviceModel, String platform, String systemVersion, int logInDate, int lastActiveDate, String ipAddress, String location)
      Contains information about one session in a Telegram application used by the current user. Sessions must be shown to the user in the returned order.
      id - Session identifier.
      isCurrent - True, if this session is the current session.
      isPasswordPending - True, if a 2-step verification password is needed to complete authorization of the session.
      isUnconfirmed - True, if the session wasn't confirmed from another session.
      canAcceptSecretChats - True, if incoming secret chats can be accepted by the session.
      canAcceptCalls - True, if incoming calls can be accepted by the session.
      type - Session type based on the system and application version, which can be used to display a corresponding icon.
      apiId - Telegram API identifier, as provided by the application.
      applicationName - Name of the application, as provided by the application.
      applicationVersion - The version of the application, as provided by the application.
      isOfficialApplication - True, if the application is an official application or uses the apiId of an official application.
      deviceModel - Model of the device the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
      platform - Operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
      systemVersion - Version of the operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.
      logInDate - Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user has logged in.
      lastActiveDate - Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the session was last used.
      ipAddress - IP address from which the session was created, in human-readable format.
      location - A human-readable description of the location from which the session was created, based on the IP address.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object