Class TdApi.SearchMessages

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.SearchMessages extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.FoundMessages>
Searches for messages in all chats except secret chats. Returns the results in reverse chronological order (i.e., in order of decreasing (date, chatId, messageId)). For optimal performance, the number of returned messages is chosen by TDLib and can be smaller than the specified limit.

Returns FoundMessages

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Chat list in which to search messages; pass null to search in all chats regardless of their chat list.
    static final int
    Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
    Additional filter for messages to search; pass null to search for all messages.
    The maximum number of messages to be returned; up to 100.
    If not 0, the maximum date of the messages to return.
    If not 0, the minimum date of the messages to return.
    Offset of the first entry to return as received from the previous request; use empty string to get the first chunk of results.
    Pass true to search only for messages in channels.
    Query to search for.
  • Constructor Summary

    Default constructor for a function, which searches for messages in all chats except secret chats.
    SearchMessages(TdApi.ChatList chatList, boolean onlyInChannels, String query, String offset, int limit, TdApi.SearchMessagesFilter filter, int minDate, int maxDate)
    Creates a function, which searches for messages in all chats except secret chats.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.

    Methods inherited from class dev.voroby.springframework.telegram.client.TdApi.Function


    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • chatList

      public TdApi.ChatList chatList
      Chat list in which to search messages; pass null to search in all chats regardless of their chat list. Only Main and Archive chat lists are supported.
    • onlyInChannels

      public boolean onlyInChannels
      Pass true to search only for messages in channels.
    • query

      public String query
      Query to search for.
    • offset

      public String offset
      Offset of the first entry to return as received from the previous request; use empty string to get the first chunk of results.
    • limit

      public int limit
      The maximum number of messages to be returned; up to 100. For optimal performance, the number of returned messages is chosen by TDLib and can be smaller than the specified limit.
    • filter

      Additional filter for messages to search; pass null to search for all messages. Filters searchMessagesFilterMention, searchMessagesFilterUnreadMention, searchMessagesFilterUnreadReaction, searchMessagesFilterFailedToSend, and searchMessagesFilterPinned are unsupported in this function.
    • minDate

      public int minDate
      If not 0, the minimum date of the messages to return.
    • maxDate

      public int maxDate
      If not 0, the maximum date of the messages to return.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SearchMessages

      public SearchMessages()
      Default constructor for a function, which searches for messages in all chats except secret chats. Returns the results in reverse chronological order (i.e., in order of decreasing (date, chatId, messageId)). For optimal performance, the number of returned messages is chosen by TDLib and can be smaller than the specified limit.

      Returns FoundMessages

    • SearchMessages

      public SearchMessages(TdApi.ChatList chatList, boolean onlyInChannels, String query, String offset, int limit, TdApi.SearchMessagesFilter filter, int minDate, int maxDate)
      Creates a function, which searches for messages in all chats except secret chats. Returns the results in reverse chronological order (i.e., in order of decreasing (date, chatId, messageId)). For optimal performance, the number of returned messages is chosen by TDLib and can be smaller than the specified limit.

      Returns FoundMessages

      chatList - Chat list in which to search messages; pass null to search in all chats regardless of their chat list. Only Main and Archive chat lists are supported.
      onlyInChannels - Pass true to search only for messages in channels.
      query - Query to search for.
      offset - Offset of the first entry to return as received from the previous request; use empty string to get the first chunk of results.
      limit - The maximum number of messages to be returned; up to 100. For optimal performance, the number of returned messages is chosen by TDLib and can be smaller than the specified limit.
      filter - Additional filter for messages to search; pass null to search for all messages. Filters searchMessagesFilterMention, searchMessagesFilterUnreadMention, searchMessagesFilterUnreadReaction, searchMessagesFilterFailedToSend, and searchMessagesFilterPinned are unsupported in this function.
      minDate - If not 0, the minimum date of the messages to return.
      maxDate - If not 0, the maximum date of the messages to return.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object