Class TdApi.ReaddQuickReplyShortcutMessages

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ReaddQuickReplyShortcutMessages extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.QuickReplyMessages>
Readds quick reply messages which failed to add. Can be called only for messages for which messageSendingStateFailed.canRetry is true and after specified in messageSendingStateFailed.retryAfter time passed. If a message is readded, the corresponding failed to send message is deleted. Returns the sent messages in the same order as the message identifiers passed in messageIds. If a message can't be readded, null will be returned instead of the message.

Returns QuickReplyMessages

  • Field Details

    • shortcutName

      public String shortcutName
      Name of the target shortcut.
    • messageIds

      public long[] messageIds
      Identifiers of the quick reply messages to readd. Message identifiers must be in a strictly increasing order.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ReaddQuickReplyShortcutMessages

      public ReaddQuickReplyShortcutMessages()
      Default constructor for a function, which readds quick reply messages which failed to add. Can be called only for messages for which messageSendingStateFailed.canRetry is true and after specified in messageSendingStateFailed.retryAfter time passed. If a message is readded, the corresponding failed to send message is deleted. Returns the sent messages in the same order as the message identifiers passed in messageIds. If a message can't be readded, null will be returned instead of the message.

      Returns QuickReplyMessages

    • ReaddQuickReplyShortcutMessages

      public ReaddQuickReplyShortcutMessages(String shortcutName, long[] messageIds)
      Creates a function, which readds quick reply messages which failed to add. Can be called only for messages for which messageSendingStateFailed.canRetry is true and after specified in messageSendingStateFailed.retryAfter time passed. If a message is readded, the corresponding failed to send message is deleted. Returns the sent messages in the same order as the message identifiers passed in messageIds. If a message can't be readded, null will be returned instead of the message.

      Returns QuickReplyMessages

      shortcutName - Name of the target shortcut.
      messageIds - Identifiers of the quick reply messages to readd. Message identifiers must be in a strictly increasing order.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object