Class TdApi.PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings extends TdApi.Object
Contains settings for the authentication of the user's phone number.
  • Field Details

    • allowFlashCall

      public boolean allowFlashCall
      Pass true if the authentication code may be sent via a flash call to the specified phone number.
    • allowMissedCall

      public boolean allowMissedCall
      Pass true if the authentication code may be sent via a missed call to the specified phone number.
    • isCurrentPhoneNumber

      public boolean isCurrentPhoneNumber
      Pass true if the authenticated phone number is used on the current device.
    • hasUnknownPhoneNumber

      public boolean hasUnknownPhoneNumber
      Pass true if there is a SIM card in the current device, but it is not possible to check whether phone number matches.
    • allowSmsRetrieverApi

      public boolean allowSmsRetrieverApi
      For official applications only. True, if the application can use Android SMS Retriever API (requires Google Play Services >= 10.2) to automatically receive the authentication code from the SMS. See for more details.
    • firebaseAuthenticationSettings

      public TdApi.FirebaseAuthenticationSettings firebaseAuthenticationSettings
      For official Android and iOS applications only; pass null otherwise. Settings for Firebase Authentication.
    • authenticationTokens

      public String[] authenticationTokens
      List of up to 20 authentication tokens, recently received in updateOption("authentication_token") in previously logged out sessions.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings

      public PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings()
      Contains settings for the authentication of the user's phone number.
    • PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings

      public PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings(boolean allowFlashCall, boolean allowMissedCall, boolean isCurrentPhoneNumber, boolean hasUnknownPhoneNumber, boolean allowSmsRetrieverApi, TdApi.FirebaseAuthenticationSettings firebaseAuthenticationSettings, String[] authenticationTokens)
      Contains settings for the authentication of the user's phone number.
      allowFlashCall - Pass true if the authentication code may be sent via a flash call to the specified phone number.
      allowMissedCall - Pass true if the authentication code may be sent via a missed call to the specified phone number.
      isCurrentPhoneNumber - Pass true if the authenticated phone number is used on the current device.
      hasUnknownPhoneNumber - Pass true if there is a SIM card in the current device, but it is not possible to check whether phone number matches.
      allowSmsRetrieverApi - For official applications only. True, if the application can use Android SMS Retriever API (requires Google Play Services >= 10.2) to automatically receive the authentication code from the SMS. See for more details.
      firebaseAuthenticationSettings - For official Android and iOS applications only; pass null otherwise. Settings for Firebase Authentication.
      authenticationTokens - List of up to 20 authentication tokens, recently received in updateOption("authentication_token") in previously logged out sessions.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object