Class TdApi.MessageProperties

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.MessageProperties extends TdApi.Object
Contains properties of a message and describes actions that can be done with the message right now.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    True, if the message can be deleted for all users using the method deleteMessages with revoke == true.
    True, if the message can be deleted only for the current user while other users will continue to see it using the method deleteMessages with revoke == false.
    True, if the message can be edited using the methods editMessageText, editMessageMedia, editMessageCaption, or editMessageReplyMarkup.
    True, if the message can be forwarded using inputMessageForwarded or forwardMessages.
    True, if the message can be paid using inputInvoiceMessage.
    True, if the message can be pinned or unpinned in the chat using pinChatMessage or unpinChatMessage.
    True, if the message can be replied in the same chat and forum topic using inputMessageReplyToMessage.
    True, if the message can be replied in another chat or forum topic using inputMessageReplyToExternalMessage.
    True, if content of the message can be saved locally or copied using inputMessageForwarded or forwardMessages with copy options.
    True, if the message can be shared in a story using inputStoryAreaTypeMessage.
    True, if scheduling state of the message can be edited.
    True, if the list of added reactions is available using getMessageAddedReactions.
    True, if code for message embedding can be received using getMessageEmbeddingCode.
    True, if a link can be generated for the message using getMessageLink.
    True, if media timestamp links can be generated for media timestamp entities in the message text, caption or link preview description using getMessageLink.
    True, if information about the message thread is available through getMessageThread and getMessageThreadHistory.
    True, if read date of the message can be received through getMessageReadDate.
    True, if message statistics are available through getMessageStatistics and message forwards can be received using getMessagePublicForwards.
    True, if chat members already viewed the message can be received through getMessageViewers.
    True, if speech can be recognized for the message through recognizeSpeech.
    True, if the message can be reported using reportChat.
    True, if reactions on the message can be reported through reportMessageReactions.
    True, if the message can be reported using reportSupergroupSpam.
    True, if fact check for the message can be changed through setMessageFactCheck.
    static final int
    Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
    True, if message statistics must be available from context menu of the message.
  • Constructor Summary

    Contains properties of a message and describes actions that can be done with the message right now.
    MessageProperties(boolean canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf, boolean canBeDeletedForAllUsers, boolean canBeEdited, boolean canBeForwarded, boolean canBePaid, boolean canBePinned, boolean canBeReplied, boolean canBeRepliedInAnotherChat, boolean canBeSaved, boolean canBeSharedInStory, boolean canEditSchedulingState, boolean canGetAddedReactions, boolean canGetEmbeddingCode, boolean canGetLink, boolean canGetMediaTimestampLinks, boolean canGetMessageThread, boolean canGetReadDate, boolean canGetStatistics, boolean canGetViewers, boolean canRecognizeSpeech, boolean canReportChat, boolean canReportReactions, boolean canReportSupergroupSpam, boolean canSetFactCheck, boolean needShowStatistics)
    Contains properties of a message and describes actions that can be done with the message right now.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.

    Methods inherited from class dev.voroby.springframework.telegram.client.TdApi.Object


    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf

      public boolean canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf
      True, if the message can be deleted only for the current user while other users will continue to see it using the method deleteMessages with revoke == false.
    • canBeDeletedForAllUsers

      public boolean canBeDeletedForAllUsers
      True, if the message can be deleted for all users using the method deleteMessages with revoke == true.
    • canBeEdited

      public boolean canBeEdited
      True, if the message can be edited using the methods editMessageText, editMessageMedia, editMessageCaption, or editMessageReplyMarkup. For live location and poll messages this fields shows whether editMessageLiveLocation or stopPoll can be used with this message.
    • canBeForwarded

      public boolean canBeForwarded
      True, if the message can be forwarded using inputMessageForwarded or forwardMessages.
    • canBePaid

      public boolean canBePaid
      True, if the message can be paid using inputInvoiceMessage.
    • canBePinned

      public boolean canBePinned
      True, if the message can be pinned or unpinned in the chat using pinChatMessage or unpinChatMessage.
    • canBeReplied

      public boolean canBeReplied
      True, if the message can be replied in the same chat and forum topic using inputMessageReplyToMessage.
    • canBeRepliedInAnotherChat

      public boolean canBeRepliedInAnotherChat
      True, if the message can be replied in another chat or forum topic using inputMessageReplyToExternalMessage.
    • canBeSaved

      public boolean canBeSaved
      True, if content of the message can be saved locally or copied using inputMessageForwarded or forwardMessages with copy options.
    • canBeSharedInStory

      public boolean canBeSharedInStory
      True, if the message can be shared in a story using inputStoryAreaTypeMessage.
    • canEditSchedulingState

      public boolean canEditSchedulingState
      True, if scheduling state of the message can be edited.
    • canGetAddedReactions

      public boolean canGetAddedReactions
      True, if the list of added reactions is available using getMessageAddedReactions.
    • canGetEmbeddingCode

      public boolean canGetEmbeddingCode
      True, if code for message embedding can be received using getMessageEmbeddingCode.
    • canGetMessageThread

      public boolean canGetMessageThread
      True, if information about the message thread is available through getMessageThread and getMessageThreadHistory.
    • canGetReadDate

      public boolean canGetReadDate
      True, if read date of the message can be received through getMessageReadDate.
    • canGetStatistics

      public boolean canGetStatistics
      True, if message statistics are available through getMessageStatistics and message forwards can be received using getMessagePublicForwards.
    • canGetViewers

      public boolean canGetViewers
      True, if chat members already viewed the message can be received through getMessageViewers.
    • canRecognizeSpeech

      public boolean canRecognizeSpeech
      True, if speech can be recognized for the message through recognizeSpeech.
    • canReportChat

      public boolean canReportChat
      True, if the message can be reported using reportChat.
    • canReportReactions

      public boolean canReportReactions
      True, if reactions on the message can be reported through reportMessageReactions.
    • canReportSupergroupSpam

      public boolean canReportSupergroupSpam
      True, if the message can be reported using reportSupergroupSpam.
    • canSetFactCheck

      public boolean canSetFactCheck
      True, if fact check for the message can be changed through setMessageFactCheck.
    • needShowStatistics

      public boolean needShowStatistics
      True, if message statistics must be available from context menu of the message.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MessageProperties

      public MessageProperties()
      Contains properties of a message and describes actions that can be done with the message right now.
    • MessageProperties

      public MessageProperties(boolean canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf, boolean canBeDeletedForAllUsers, boolean canBeEdited, boolean canBeForwarded, boolean canBePaid, boolean canBePinned, boolean canBeReplied, boolean canBeRepliedInAnotherChat, boolean canBeSaved, boolean canBeSharedInStory, boolean canEditSchedulingState, boolean canGetAddedReactions, boolean canGetEmbeddingCode, boolean canGetLink, boolean canGetMediaTimestampLinks, boolean canGetMessageThread, boolean canGetReadDate, boolean canGetStatistics, boolean canGetViewers, boolean canRecognizeSpeech, boolean canReportChat, boolean canReportReactions, boolean canReportSupergroupSpam, boolean canSetFactCheck, boolean needShowStatistics)
      Contains properties of a message and describes actions that can be done with the message right now.
      canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf - True, if the message can be deleted only for the current user while other users will continue to see it using the method deleteMessages with revoke == false.
      canBeDeletedForAllUsers - True, if the message can be deleted for all users using the method deleteMessages with revoke == true.
      canBeEdited - True, if the message can be edited using the methods editMessageText, editMessageMedia, editMessageCaption, or editMessageReplyMarkup. For live location and poll messages this fields shows whether editMessageLiveLocation or stopPoll can be used with this message.
      canBeForwarded - True, if the message can be forwarded using inputMessageForwarded or forwardMessages.
      canBePaid - True, if the message can be paid using inputInvoiceMessage.
      canBePinned - True, if the message can be pinned or unpinned in the chat using pinChatMessage or unpinChatMessage.
      canBeReplied - True, if the message can be replied in the same chat and forum topic using inputMessageReplyToMessage.
      canBeRepliedInAnotherChat - True, if the message can be replied in another chat or forum topic using inputMessageReplyToExternalMessage.
      canBeSaved - True, if content of the message can be saved locally or copied using inputMessageForwarded or forwardMessages with copy options.
      canBeSharedInStory - True, if the message can be shared in a story using inputStoryAreaTypeMessage.
      canEditSchedulingState - True, if scheduling state of the message can be edited.
      canGetAddedReactions - True, if the list of added reactions is available using getMessageAddedReactions.
      canGetEmbeddingCode - True, if code for message embedding can be received using getMessageEmbeddingCode.
      canGetLink - True, if a link can be generated for the message using getMessageLink.
      canGetMediaTimestampLinks - True, if media timestamp links can be generated for media timestamp entities in the message text, caption or link preview description using getMessageLink.
      canGetMessageThread - True, if information about the message thread is available through getMessageThread and getMessageThreadHistory.
      canGetReadDate - True, if read date of the message can be received through getMessageReadDate.
      canGetStatistics - True, if message statistics are available through getMessageStatistics and message forwards can be received using getMessagePublicForwards.
      canGetViewers - True, if chat members already viewed the message can be received through getMessageViewers.
      canRecognizeSpeech - True, if speech can be recognized for the message through recognizeSpeech.
      canReportChat - True, if the message can be reported using reportChat.
      canReportReactions - True, if reactions on the message can be reported through reportMessageReactions.
      canReportSupergroupSpam - True, if the message can be reported using reportSupergroupSpam.
      canSetFactCheck - True, if fact check for the message can be changed through setMessageFactCheck.
      needShowStatistics - True, if message statistics must be available from context menu of the message.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object