Class TdApi.MessagePremiumGiveawayWinners

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.MessagePremiumGiveawayWinners extends TdApi.MessageContent
A Telegram Premium giveaway with public winners has been completed for the chat.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the winners were selected.
    Number of other chats that participated in the giveaway.
    Identifier of the channel chat, which was automatically boosted by the winners of the giveaway for duration of the Premium subscription.
    static final int
    Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
    Identifier of the message with the giveaway in the boosted chat.
    Number of months the Telegram Premium subscription will be active after code activation.
    True, if only new members of the chats were eligible for the giveaway.
    Additional description of the giveaway prize.
    Number of undistributed prizes.
    True, if the giveaway was canceled and was fully refunded.
    Total number of winners in the giveaway.
    Up to 100 user identifiers of the winners of the giveaway.
  • Constructor Summary

    A Telegram Premium giveaway with public winners has been completed for the chat.
    MessagePremiumGiveawayWinners(long boostedChatId, long giveawayMessageId, int additionalChatCount, int actualWinnersSelectionDate, boolean onlyNewMembers, boolean wasRefunded, int monthCount, String prizeDescription, int winnerCount, long[] winnerUserIds, int unclaimedPrizeCount)
    A Telegram Premium giveaway with public winners has been completed for the chat.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.

    Methods inherited from class dev.voroby.springframework.telegram.client.TdApi.Object


    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • boostedChatId

      public long boostedChatId
      Identifier of the channel chat, which was automatically boosted by the winners of the giveaway for duration of the Premium subscription.
    • giveawayMessageId

      public long giveawayMessageId
      Identifier of the message with the giveaway in the boosted chat.
    • additionalChatCount

      public int additionalChatCount
      Number of other chats that participated in the giveaway.
    • actualWinnersSelectionDate

      public int actualWinnersSelectionDate
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the winners were selected. May be bigger than winners selection date specified in parameters of the giveaway.
    • onlyNewMembers

      public boolean onlyNewMembers
      True, if only new members of the chats were eligible for the giveaway.
    • wasRefunded

      public boolean wasRefunded
      True, if the giveaway was canceled and was fully refunded.
    • monthCount

      public int monthCount
      Number of months the Telegram Premium subscription will be active after code activation.
    • prizeDescription

      public String prizeDescription
      Additional description of the giveaway prize.
    • winnerCount

      public int winnerCount
      Total number of winners in the giveaway.
    • winnerUserIds

      public long[] winnerUserIds
      Up to 100 user identifiers of the winners of the giveaway.
    • unclaimedPrizeCount

      public int unclaimedPrizeCount
      Number of undistributed prizes.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MessagePremiumGiveawayWinners

      public MessagePremiumGiveawayWinners()
      A Telegram Premium giveaway with public winners has been completed for the chat.
    • MessagePremiumGiveawayWinners

      public MessagePremiumGiveawayWinners(long boostedChatId, long giveawayMessageId, int additionalChatCount, int actualWinnersSelectionDate, boolean onlyNewMembers, boolean wasRefunded, int monthCount, String prizeDescription, int winnerCount, long[] winnerUserIds, int unclaimedPrizeCount)
      A Telegram Premium giveaway with public winners has been completed for the chat.
      boostedChatId - Identifier of the channel chat, which was automatically boosted by the winners of the giveaway for duration of the Premium subscription.
      giveawayMessageId - Identifier of the message with the giveaway in the boosted chat.
      additionalChatCount - Number of other chats that participated in the giveaway.
      actualWinnersSelectionDate - Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the winners were selected. May be bigger than winners selection date specified in parameters of the giveaway.
      onlyNewMembers - True, if only new members of the chats were eligible for the giveaway.
      wasRefunded - True, if the giveaway was canceled and was fully refunded.
      monthCount - Number of months the Telegram Premium subscription will be active after code activation.
      prizeDescription - Additional description of the giveaway prize.
      winnerCount - Total number of winners in the giveaway.
      winnerUserIds - Up to 100 user identifiers of the winners of the giveaway.
      unclaimedPrizeCount - Number of undistributed prizes.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object