Class TdApi.MessageLinkInfo

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.MessageLinkInfo extends TdApi.Object
Contains information about a link to a message or a forum topic in a chat.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    If found, identifier of the chat to which the link points, 0 otherwise.
    static final int
    Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
    True, if the whole media album to which the message belongs is linked.
    True, if the link is a public link for a message or a forum topic in a chat.
    Timestamp from which the video/audio/video note/voice note/story playing must start, in seconds; 0 if not specified.
    If found, the linked message; may be null.
    If found, identifier of the message thread in which to open the message, or a forum topic to open if the message is missing.
  • Constructor Summary

    Contains information about a link to a message or a forum topic in a chat.
    MessageLinkInfo(boolean isPublic, long chatId, long messageThreadId, TdApi.Message message, int mediaTimestamp, boolean forAlbum)
    Contains information about a link to a message or a forum topic in a chat.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.

    Methods inherited from class dev.voroby.springframework.telegram.client.TdApi.Object


    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • isPublic

      public boolean isPublic
      True, if the link is a public link for a message or a forum topic in a chat.
    • chatId

      public long chatId
      If found, identifier of the chat to which the link points, 0 otherwise.
    • messageThreadId

      public long messageThreadId
      If found, identifier of the message thread in which to open the message, or a forum topic to open if the message is missing.
    • message

      public TdApi.Message message
      If found, the linked message; may be null.
    • mediaTimestamp

      public int mediaTimestamp
      Timestamp from which the video/audio/video note/voice note/story playing must start, in seconds; 0 if not specified. The media can be in the message content or in its link preview.
    • forAlbum

      public boolean forAlbum
      True, if the whole media album to which the message belongs is linked.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MessageLinkInfo

      public MessageLinkInfo()
      Contains information about a link to a message or a forum topic in a chat.
    • MessageLinkInfo

      public MessageLinkInfo(boolean isPublic, long chatId, long messageThreadId, TdApi.Message message, int mediaTimestamp, boolean forAlbum)
      Contains information about a link to a message or a forum topic in a chat.
      isPublic - True, if the link is a public link for a message or a forum topic in a chat.
      chatId - If found, identifier of the chat to which the link points, 0 otherwise.
      messageThreadId - If found, identifier of the message thread in which to open the message, or a forum topic to open if the message is missing.
      message - If found, the linked message; may be null.
      mediaTimestamp - Timestamp from which the video/audio/video note/voice note/story playing must start, in seconds; 0 if not specified. The media can be in the message content or in its link preview.
      forAlbum - True, if the whole media album to which the message belongs is linked.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object