Class TdApi.KeyboardButtonTypeRequestChat

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.KeyboardButtonTypeRequestChat extends TdApi.KeyboardButtonType
A button that requests a chat to be shared by the current user; available only in private chats. Use the method shareChatWithBot to complete the request.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Expected bot administrator rights in the chat; may be null if they aren't restricted.
    True, if the bot must be a member of the chat; for basic group and supergroup chats only.
    True, if the chat must have a username; otherwise, the chat must not have a username.
    True, if the chat must be a channel; otherwise, a basic group or a supergroup chat is shared.
    True, if the chat must be created by the current user.
    True, if the chat must be a forum supergroup; otherwise, the chat must not be a forum supergroup.
    static final int
    Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
    Unique button identifier.
    Pass true to request photo of the chat; bots only.
    Pass true to request title of the chat; bots only.
    Pass true to request username of the chat; bots only.
    True, if the chat must or must not have a username.
    True, if the chat must or must not be a forum supergroup.
    Expected user administrator rights in the chat; may be null if they aren't restricted.
  • Constructor Summary

    A button that requests a chat to be shared by the current user; available only in private chats.
    KeyboardButtonTypeRequestChat(int id, boolean chatIsChannel, boolean restrictChatIsForum, boolean chatIsForum, boolean restrictChatHasUsername, boolean chatHasUsername, boolean chatIsCreated, TdApi.ChatAdministratorRights userAdministratorRights, TdApi.ChatAdministratorRights botAdministratorRights, boolean botIsMember, boolean requestTitle, boolean requestUsername, boolean requestPhoto)
    A button that requests a chat to be shared by the current user; available only in private chats.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.

    Methods inherited from class dev.voroby.springframework.telegram.client.TdApi.Object


    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • id

      public int id
      Unique button identifier.
    • chatIsChannel

      public boolean chatIsChannel
      True, if the chat must be a channel; otherwise, a basic group or a supergroup chat is shared.
    • restrictChatIsForum

      public boolean restrictChatIsForum
      True, if the chat must or must not be a forum supergroup.
    • chatIsForum

      public boolean chatIsForum
      True, if the chat must be a forum supergroup; otherwise, the chat must not be a forum supergroup. Ignored if restrictChatIsForum is false.
    • restrictChatHasUsername

      public boolean restrictChatHasUsername
      True, if the chat must or must not have a username.
    • chatHasUsername

      public boolean chatHasUsername
      True, if the chat must have a username; otherwise, the chat must not have a username. Ignored if restrictChatHasUsername is false.
    • chatIsCreated

      public boolean chatIsCreated
      True, if the chat must be created by the current user.
    • userAdministratorRights

      public TdApi.ChatAdministratorRights userAdministratorRights
      Expected user administrator rights in the chat; may be null if they aren't restricted.
    • botAdministratorRights

      public TdApi.ChatAdministratorRights botAdministratorRights
      Expected bot administrator rights in the chat; may be null if they aren't restricted.
    • botIsMember

      public boolean botIsMember
      True, if the bot must be a member of the chat; for basic group and supergroup chats only.
    • requestTitle

      public boolean requestTitle
      Pass true to request title of the chat; bots only.
    • requestUsername

      public boolean requestUsername
      Pass true to request username of the chat; bots only.
    • requestPhoto

      public boolean requestPhoto
      Pass true to request photo of the chat; bots only.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • KeyboardButtonTypeRequestChat

      public KeyboardButtonTypeRequestChat()
      A button that requests a chat to be shared by the current user; available only in private chats. Use the method shareChatWithBot to complete the request.
    • KeyboardButtonTypeRequestChat

      public KeyboardButtonTypeRequestChat(int id, boolean chatIsChannel, boolean restrictChatIsForum, boolean chatIsForum, boolean restrictChatHasUsername, boolean chatHasUsername, boolean chatIsCreated, TdApi.ChatAdministratorRights userAdministratorRights, TdApi.ChatAdministratorRights botAdministratorRights, boolean botIsMember, boolean requestTitle, boolean requestUsername, boolean requestPhoto)
      A button that requests a chat to be shared by the current user; available only in private chats. Use the method shareChatWithBot to complete the request.
      id - Unique button identifier.
      chatIsChannel - True, if the chat must be a channel; otherwise, a basic group or a supergroup chat is shared.
      restrictChatIsForum - True, if the chat must or must not be a forum supergroup.
      chatIsForum - True, if the chat must be a forum supergroup; otherwise, the chat must not be a forum supergroup. Ignored if restrictChatIsForum is false.
      restrictChatHasUsername - True, if the chat must or must not have a username.
      chatHasUsername - True, if the chat must have a username; otherwise, the chat must not have a username. Ignored if restrictChatHasUsername is false.
      chatIsCreated - True, if the chat must be created by the current user.
      userAdministratorRights - Expected user administrator rights in the chat; may be null if they aren't restricted.
      botAdministratorRights - Expected bot administrator rights in the chat; may be null if they aren't restricted.
      botIsMember - True, if the bot must be a member of the chat; for basic group and supergroup chats only.
      requestTitle - Pass true to request title of the chat; bots only.
      requestUsername - Pass true to request username of the chat; bots only.
      requestPhoto - Pass true to request photo of the chat; bots only.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object