Class TdApi.InternalLinkTypeMainWebApp

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.InternalLinkTypeMainWebApp extends TdApi.InternalLinkType
The link is a link to the main Web App of a bot. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot and has the main Web App. If the bot can be added to attachment menu, then use getAttachmentMenuBot to receive information about the bot, then if the bot isn't added to side menu, show a disclaimer about Mini Apps being third-party apps, ask the user to accept their Terms of service and confirm adding the bot to side and attachment menu, then if the user accepts the terms and confirms adding, use toggleBotIsAddedToAttachmentMenu to add the bot. Then, use getMainWebApp with the given start parameter and open the returned URL as a Web App.
  • Field Details

    • botUsername

      public String botUsername
      Username of the bot.
    • startParameter

      public String startParameter
      Start parameter to be passed to getMainWebApp.
    • isCompact

      public boolean isCompact
      True, if the Web App must be opened in the compact mode instead of the full-size mode.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • InternalLinkTypeMainWebApp

      public InternalLinkTypeMainWebApp()
      The link is a link to the main Web App of a bot. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot and has the main Web App. If the bot can be added to attachment menu, then use getAttachmentMenuBot to receive information about the bot, then if the bot isn't added to side menu, show a disclaimer about Mini Apps being third-party apps, ask the user to accept their Terms of service and confirm adding the bot to side and attachment menu, then if the user accepts the terms and confirms adding, use toggleBotIsAddedToAttachmentMenu to add the bot. Then, use getMainWebApp with the given start parameter and open the returned URL as a Web App.
    • InternalLinkTypeMainWebApp

      public InternalLinkTypeMainWebApp(String botUsername, String startParameter, boolean isCompact)
      The link is a link to the main Web App of a bot. Call searchPublicChat with the given bot username, check that the user is a bot and has the main Web App. If the bot can be added to attachment menu, then use getAttachmentMenuBot to receive information about the bot, then if the bot isn't added to side menu, show a disclaimer about Mini Apps being third-party apps, ask the user to accept their Terms of service and confirm adding the bot to side and attachment menu, then if the user accepts the terms and confirms adding, use toggleBotIsAddedToAttachmentMenu to add the bot. Then, use getMainWebApp with the given start parameter and open the returned URL as a Web App.
      botUsername - Username of the bot.
      startParameter - Start parameter to be passed to getMainWebApp.
      isCompact - True, if the Web App must be opened in the compact mode instead of the full-size mode.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object