Class TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultLocation

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultLocation extends TdApi.InputInlineQueryResult
Represents a point on the map.
  • Field Details

    • id

      public String id
      Unique identifier of the query result.
    • location

      public TdApi.Location location
      Location result.
    • livePeriod

      public int livePeriod
      Amount of time relative to the message sent time until the location can be updated, in seconds.
    • title

      public String title
      Title of the result.
    • thumbnailUrl

      public String thumbnailUrl
      URL of the result thumbnail, if it exists.
    • thumbnailWidth

      public int thumbnailWidth
      Thumbnail width, if known.
    • thumbnailHeight

      public int thumbnailHeight
      Thumbnail height, if known.
    • replyMarkup

      public TdApi.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup
      The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null.
    • inputMessageContent

      public TdApi.InputMessageContent inputMessageContent
      The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • InputInlineQueryResultLocation

      public InputInlineQueryResultLocation()
      Represents a point on the map.
    • InputInlineQueryResultLocation

      public InputInlineQueryResultLocation(String id, TdApi.Location location, int livePeriod, String title, String thumbnailUrl, int thumbnailWidth, int thumbnailHeight, TdApi.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup, TdApi.InputMessageContent inputMessageContent)
      Represents a point on the map.
      id - Unique identifier of the query result.
      location - Location result.
      livePeriod - Amount of time relative to the message sent time until the location can be updated, in seconds.
      title - Title of the result.
      thumbnailUrl - URL of the result thumbnail, if it exists.
      thumbnailWidth - Thumbnail width, if known.
      thumbnailHeight - Thumbnail height, if known.
      replyMarkup - The message reply markup; pass null if none. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null.
      inputMessageContent - The content of the message to be sent. Must be one of the following types: inputMessageText, inputMessageInvoice, inputMessageLocation, inputMessageVenue or inputMessageContact.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object