Class TdApi.GroupCall

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.GroupCall extends TdApi.Object
Describes a group call.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    True, if the current user can manage the group call.
    True, if the current user can broadcast video or share screen.
    True, if the current user can enable or disable muteNewParticipants setting.
    static final int
    Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
    Call duration, in seconds; for ended calls only.
    True, if the group call is scheduled and the current user will receive a notification when the group call starts.
    True, if group call participants, which are muted, aren't returned in participant list.
    Group call identifier.
    True, if the call is active.
    True, if the call is joined.
    True, if the current user's video is enabled.
    True, if the current user's video is paused.
    True, if the chat is an RTMP stream instead of an ordinary video chat.
    True, if a video file is being recorded for the call.
    True, if all group call participants are loaded.
    True, if only group call administrators can unmute new participants.
    True, if user was kicked from the call because of network loss and the call needs to be rejoined.
    Number of participants in the group call.
    At most 3 recently speaking users in the group call.
    Duration of the ongoing group call recording, in seconds; 0 if none.
    Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the group call is supposed to be started by an administrator; 0 if it is already active or was ended.
    Group call title.
  • Constructor Summary

    Describes a group call.
    GroupCall(int id, String title, int scheduledStartDate, boolean enabledStartNotification, boolean isActive, boolean isRtmpStream, boolean isJoined, boolean needRejoin, boolean canBeManaged, int participantCount, boolean hasHiddenListeners, boolean loadedAllParticipants, TdApi.GroupCallRecentSpeaker[] recentSpeakers, boolean isMyVideoEnabled, boolean isMyVideoPaused, boolean canEnableVideo, boolean muteNewParticipants, boolean canToggleMuteNewParticipants, int recordDuration, boolean isVideoRecorded, int duration)
    Describes a group call.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.

    Methods inherited from class dev.voroby.springframework.telegram.client.TdApi.Object


    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • id

      public int id
      Group call identifier.
    • title

      public String title
      Group call title.
    • scheduledStartDate

      public int scheduledStartDate
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the group call is supposed to be started by an administrator; 0 if it is already active or was ended.
    • enabledStartNotification

      public boolean enabledStartNotification
      True, if the group call is scheduled and the current user will receive a notification when the group call starts.
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive
      True, if the call is active.
    • isRtmpStream

      public boolean isRtmpStream
      True, if the chat is an RTMP stream instead of an ordinary video chat.
    • isJoined

      public boolean isJoined
      True, if the call is joined.
    • needRejoin

      public boolean needRejoin
      True, if user was kicked from the call because of network loss and the call needs to be rejoined.
    • canBeManaged

      public boolean canBeManaged
      True, if the current user can manage the group call.
    • participantCount

      public int participantCount
      Number of participants in the group call.
    • hasHiddenListeners

      public boolean hasHiddenListeners
      True, if group call participants, which are muted, aren't returned in participant list.
    • loadedAllParticipants

      public boolean loadedAllParticipants
      True, if all group call participants are loaded.
    • recentSpeakers

      public TdApi.GroupCallRecentSpeaker[] recentSpeakers
      At most 3 recently speaking users in the group call.
    • isMyVideoEnabled

      public boolean isMyVideoEnabled
      True, if the current user's video is enabled.
    • isMyVideoPaused

      public boolean isMyVideoPaused
      True, if the current user's video is paused.
    • canEnableVideo

      public boolean canEnableVideo
      True, if the current user can broadcast video or share screen.
    • muteNewParticipants

      public boolean muteNewParticipants
      True, if only group call administrators can unmute new participants.
    • canToggleMuteNewParticipants

      public boolean canToggleMuteNewParticipants
      True, if the current user can enable or disable muteNewParticipants setting.
    • recordDuration

      public int recordDuration
      Duration of the ongoing group call recording, in seconds; 0 if none. An updateGroupCall update is not triggered when value of this field changes, but the same recording goes on.
    • isVideoRecorded

      public boolean isVideoRecorded
      True, if a video file is being recorded for the call.
    • duration

      public int duration
      Call duration, in seconds; for ended calls only.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GroupCall

      public GroupCall()
      Describes a group call.
    • GroupCall

      public GroupCall(int id, String title, int scheduledStartDate, boolean enabledStartNotification, boolean isActive, boolean isRtmpStream, boolean isJoined, boolean needRejoin, boolean canBeManaged, int participantCount, boolean hasHiddenListeners, boolean loadedAllParticipants, TdApi.GroupCallRecentSpeaker[] recentSpeakers, boolean isMyVideoEnabled, boolean isMyVideoPaused, boolean canEnableVideo, boolean muteNewParticipants, boolean canToggleMuteNewParticipants, int recordDuration, boolean isVideoRecorded, int duration)
      Describes a group call.
      id - Group call identifier.
      title - Group call title.
      scheduledStartDate - Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the group call is supposed to be started by an administrator; 0 if it is already active or was ended.
      enabledStartNotification - True, if the group call is scheduled and the current user will receive a notification when the group call starts.
      isActive - True, if the call is active.
      isRtmpStream - True, if the chat is an RTMP stream instead of an ordinary video chat.
      isJoined - True, if the call is joined.
      needRejoin - True, if user was kicked from the call because of network loss and the call needs to be rejoined.
      canBeManaged - True, if the current user can manage the group call.
      participantCount - Number of participants in the group call.
      hasHiddenListeners - True, if group call participants, which are muted, aren't returned in participant list.
      loadedAllParticipants - True, if all group call participants are loaded.
      recentSpeakers - At most 3 recently speaking users in the group call.
      isMyVideoEnabled - True, if the current user's video is enabled.
      isMyVideoPaused - True, if the current user's video is paused.
      canEnableVideo - True, if the current user can broadcast video or share screen.
      muteNewParticipants - True, if only group call administrators can unmute new participants.
      canToggleMuteNewParticipants - True, if the current user can enable or disable muteNewParticipants setting.
      recordDuration - Duration of the ongoing group call recording, in seconds; 0 if none. An updateGroupCall update is not triggered when value of this field changes, but the same recording goes on.
      isVideoRecorded - True, if a video file is being recorded for the call.
      duration - Call duration, in seconds; for ended calls only.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object