Class TdApi.ChatStatisticsChannel

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChatStatisticsChannel extends TdApi.ChatStatistics
A detailed statistics about a channel chat.
  • Field Details

    • period

      public TdApi.DateRange period
      A period to which the statistics applies.
    • memberCount

      public TdApi.StatisticalValue memberCount
      Number of members in the chat.
    • meanMessageViewCount

      public TdApi.StatisticalValue meanMessageViewCount
      Mean number of times the recently sent messages were viewed.
    • meanMessageShareCount

      public TdApi.StatisticalValue meanMessageShareCount
      Mean number of times the recently sent messages were shared.
    • meanMessageReactionCount

      public TdApi.StatisticalValue meanMessageReactionCount
      Mean number of times reactions were added to the recently sent messages.
    • meanStoryViewCount

      public TdApi.StatisticalValue meanStoryViewCount
      Mean number of times the recently sent stories were viewed.
    • meanStoryShareCount

      public TdApi.StatisticalValue meanStoryShareCount
      Mean number of times the recently sent stories were shared.
    • meanStoryReactionCount

      public TdApi.StatisticalValue meanStoryReactionCount
      Mean number of times reactions were added to the recently sent stories.
    • enabledNotificationsPercentage

      public double enabledNotificationsPercentage
      A percentage of users with enabled notifications for the chat; 0-100.
    • memberCountGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph memberCountGraph
      A graph containing number of members in the chat.
    • joinGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph joinGraph
      A graph containing number of members joined and left the chat.
    • muteGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph muteGraph
      A graph containing number of members muted and unmuted the chat.
    • viewCountByHourGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph viewCountByHourGraph
      A graph containing number of message views in a given hour in the last two weeks.
    • viewCountBySourceGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph viewCountBySourceGraph
      A graph containing number of message views per source.
    • joinBySourceGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph joinBySourceGraph
      A graph containing number of new member joins per source.
    • languageGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph languageGraph
      A graph containing number of users viewed chat messages per language.
    • messageInteractionGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph messageInteractionGraph
      A graph containing number of chat message views and shares.
    • messageReactionGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph messageReactionGraph
      A graph containing number of reactions on messages.
    • storyInteractionGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph storyInteractionGraph
      A graph containing number of story views and shares.
    • storyReactionGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph storyReactionGraph
      A graph containing number of reactions on stories.
    • instantViewInteractionGraph

      public TdApi.StatisticalGraph instantViewInteractionGraph
      A graph containing number of views of associated with the chat instant views.
    • recentInteractions

      public TdApi.ChatStatisticsInteractionInfo[] recentInteractions
      Detailed statistics about number of views and shares of recently sent messages and stories.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatStatisticsChannel

      public ChatStatisticsChannel()
      A detailed statistics about a channel chat.
    • ChatStatisticsChannel

      public ChatStatisticsChannel(TdApi.DateRange period, TdApi.StatisticalValue memberCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue meanMessageViewCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue meanMessageShareCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue meanMessageReactionCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue meanStoryViewCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue meanStoryShareCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue meanStoryReactionCount, double enabledNotificationsPercentage, TdApi.StatisticalGraph memberCountGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph joinGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph muteGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph viewCountByHourGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph viewCountBySourceGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph joinBySourceGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph languageGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph messageInteractionGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph messageReactionGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph storyInteractionGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph storyReactionGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph instantViewInteractionGraph, TdApi.ChatStatisticsInteractionInfo[] recentInteractions)
      A detailed statistics about a channel chat.
      period - A period to which the statistics applies.
      memberCount - Number of members in the chat.
      meanMessageViewCount - Mean number of times the recently sent messages were viewed.
      meanMessageShareCount - Mean number of times the recently sent messages were shared.
      meanMessageReactionCount - Mean number of times reactions were added to the recently sent messages.
      meanStoryViewCount - Mean number of times the recently sent stories were viewed.
      meanStoryShareCount - Mean number of times the recently sent stories were shared.
      meanStoryReactionCount - Mean number of times reactions were added to the recently sent stories.
      enabledNotificationsPercentage - A percentage of users with enabled notifications for the chat; 0-100.
      memberCountGraph - A graph containing number of members in the chat.
      joinGraph - A graph containing number of members joined and left the chat.
      muteGraph - A graph containing number of members muted and unmuted the chat.
      viewCountByHourGraph - A graph containing number of message views in a given hour in the last two weeks.
      viewCountBySourceGraph - A graph containing number of message views per source.
      joinBySourceGraph - A graph containing number of new member joins per source.
      languageGraph - A graph containing number of users viewed chat messages per language.
      messageInteractionGraph - A graph containing number of chat message views and shares.
      messageReactionGraph - A graph containing number of reactions on messages.
      storyInteractionGraph - A graph containing number of story views and shares.
      storyReactionGraph - A graph containing number of reactions on stories.
      instantViewInteractionGraph - A graph containing number of views of associated with the chat instant views.
      recentInteractions - Detailed statistics about number of views and shares of recently sent messages and stories.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object