Class TdApi.ChatBoostStatus

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChatBoostStatus extends TdApi.Object
Describes current boost status of a chat.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Identifiers of boost slots of the current user applied to the chat.
    The number of boosts received by the chat.
    An HTTP URL, which can be used to boost the chat.
    static final int
    Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
    The number of boosts added to reach the current level.
    The number of boosts received by the chat from created Telegram Premium gift codes and giveaways; always 0 if the current user isn't an administrator in the chat.
    Current boost level of the chat.
    The number of boosts needed to reach the next level; 0 if the next level isn't available.
    Approximate number of Telegram Premium subscribers joined the chat; always 0 if the current user isn't an administrator in the chat.
    A percentage of Telegram Premium subscribers joined the chat; always 0 if the current user isn't an administrator in the chat.
    The list of prepaid giveaways available for the chat; only for chat administrators.
  • Constructor Summary

    Describes current boost status of a chat.
    ChatBoostStatus(String boostUrl, int[] appliedSlotIds, int level, int giftCodeBoostCount, int boostCount, int currentLevelBoostCount, int nextLevelBoostCount, int premiumMemberCount, double premiumMemberPercentage, TdApi.PrepaidPremiumGiveaway[] prepaidGiveaways)
    Describes current boost status of a chat.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.

    Methods inherited from class dev.voroby.springframework.telegram.client.TdApi.Object


    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • boostUrl

      public String boostUrl
      An HTTP URL, which can be used to boost the chat.
    • appliedSlotIds

      public int[] appliedSlotIds
      Identifiers of boost slots of the current user applied to the chat.
    • level

      public int level
      Current boost level of the chat.
    • giftCodeBoostCount

      public int giftCodeBoostCount
      The number of boosts received by the chat from created Telegram Premium gift codes and giveaways; always 0 if the current user isn't an administrator in the chat.
    • boostCount

      public int boostCount
      The number of boosts received by the chat.
    • currentLevelBoostCount

      public int currentLevelBoostCount
      The number of boosts added to reach the current level.
    • nextLevelBoostCount

      public int nextLevelBoostCount
      The number of boosts needed to reach the next level; 0 if the next level isn't available.
    • premiumMemberCount

      public int premiumMemberCount
      Approximate number of Telegram Premium subscribers joined the chat; always 0 if the current user isn't an administrator in the chat.
    • premiumMemberPercentage

      public double premiumMemberPercentage
      A percentage of Telegram Premium subscribers joined the chat; always 0 if the current user isn't an administrator in the chat.
    • prepaidGiveaways

      public TdApi.PrepaidPremiumGiveaway[] prepaidGiveaways
      The list of prepaid giveaways available for the chat; only for chat administrators.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatBoostStatus

      public ChatBoostStatus()
      Describes current boost status of a chat.
    • ChatBoostStatus

      public ChatBoostStatus(String boostUrl, int[] appliedSlotIds, int level, int giftCodeBoostCount, int boostCount, int currentLevelBoostCount, int nextLevelBoostCount, int premiumMemberCount, double premiumMemberPercentage, TdApi.PrepaidPremiumGiveaway[] prepaidGiveaways)
      Describes current boost status of a chat.
      boostUrl - An HTTP URL, which can be used to boost the chat.
      appliedSlotIds - Identifiers of boost slots of the current user applied to the chat.
      level - Current boost level of the chat.
      giftCodeBoostCount - The number of boosts received by the chat from created Telegram Premium gift codes and giveaways; always 0 if the current user isn't an administrator in the chat.
      boostCount - The number of boosts received by the chat.
      currentLevelBoostCount - The number of boosts added to reach the current level.
      nextLevelBoostCount - The number of boosts needed to reach the next level; 0 if the next level isn't available.
      premiumMemberCount - Approximate number of Telegram Premium subscribers joined the chat; always 0 if the current user isn't an administrator in the chat.
      premiumMemberPercentage - A percentage of Telegram Premium subscribers joined the chat; always 0 if the current user isn't an administrator in the chat.
      prepaidGiveaways - The list of prepaid giveaways available for the chat; only for chat administrators.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object