Class TdApi.AddQuickReplyShortcutMessage

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.AddQuickReplyShortcutMessage extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.QuickReplyMessage>
Adds a message to a quick reply shortcut. If shortcut doesn't exist and there are less than getOption("quick_reply_shortcut_count_max") shortcuts, then a new shortcut is created. The shortcut must not contain more than getOption("quick_reply_shortcut_message_count_max") messages after adding the new message. Returns the added message.

Returns QuickReplyMessage

  • Field Details

    • shortcutName

      public String shortcutName
      Name of the target shortcut.
    • replyToMessageId

      public long replyToMessageId
      Identifier of a quick reply message in the same shortcut to be replied; pass 0 if none.
    • inputMessageContent

      public TdApi.InputMessageContent inputMessageContent
      The content of the message to be added; inputMessagePoll, inputMessageForwarded and inputMessageLocation with livePeriod aren't supported.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AddQuickReplyShortcutMessage

      public AddQuickReplyShortcutMessage()
      Default constructor for a function, which adds a message to a quick reply shortcut. If shortcut doesn't exist and there are less than getOption("quick_reply_shortcut_count_max") shortcuts, then a new shortcut is created. The shortcut must not contain more than getOption("quick_reply_shortcut_message_count_max") messages after adding the new message. Returns the added message.

      Returns QuickReplyMessage

    • AddQuickReplyShortcutMessage

      public AddQuickReplyShortcutMessage(String shortcutName, long replyToMessageId, TdApi.InputMessageContent inputMessageContent)
      Creates a function, which adds a message to a quick reply shortcut. If shortcut doesn't exist and there are less than getOption("quick_reply_shortcut_count_max") shortcuts, then a new shortcut is created. The shortcut must not contain more than getOption("quick_reply_shortcut_message_count_max") messages after adding the new message. Returns the added message.

      Returns QuickReplyMessage

      shortcutName - Name of the target shortcut.
      replyToMessageId - Identifier of a quick reply message in the same shortcut to be replied; pass 0 if none.
      inputMessageContent - The content of the message to be added; inputMessagePoll, inputMessageForwarded and inputMessageLocation with livePeriod aren't supported.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object