Class TdApi.AddChatFolderByInviteLink

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.AddChatFolderByInviteLink extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.Ok>
Adds a chat folder by an invite link.

Returns Ok

  • Field Details

    • chatIds

      public long[] chatIds
      Identifiers of the chats added to the chat folder. The chats are automatically joined if they aren't joined yet.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AddChatFolderByInviteLink

      public AddChatFolderByInviteLink()
      Default constructor for a function, which adds a chat folder by an invite link.

      Returns Ok

    • AddChatFolderByInviteLink

      public AddChatFolderByInviteLink(String inviteLink, long[] chatIds)
      Creates a function, which adds a chat folder by an invite link.

      Returns Ok

      inviteLink - Invite link for the chat folder.
      chatIds - Identifiers of the chats added to the chat folder. The chats are automatically joined if they aren't joined yet.
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object